DRT U-Pass Referendum

Do you support
keeping the

Vote in the referendum
March 12-14

What is the U-Pass?

The U-Pass is a discounted fare offered through Ontario Tech University’s partnership with Durham Region Transit (DRT). The U-Pass provides all full-time Ontario Tech students with access to unlimited travel on DRT as part of your mandatory ancillary fees. Students cannot opt-out of the U-Pass fee.

Why is there a referendum?

In September 2025, the U-Pass agreement is up for renewal.
The cost of the U-Pass will increase approximately 5% each year for the next 3 years.

If you vote not to have U-Pass, all students will have to pay the adult fare. There is no guarantee that DRT will provide another U-Pass in the future.

Fare Comparison
2024/2025 Academic Year

The U-Pass makes transit 70% cheaper than the current regular adult fare. If you vote not to have U-Pass, all students will have to pay the regular adult fare.

Fare TypeMonthly CostSingle Ride Cost
Adult Monthly Presto Pass$129.60$3.08
Adult Fare (With Presto)$151.20$3.60
Adult Fare (Without Presto)$193.20$4.60

Calculated based on 2 trips per day and an average of 42 trips per month.

Proposed Fee Increase

In September 2025, the U-Pass agreement is up for renewal. The cost of the U-Pass will increase approximately 5 per cent each year for the next 3 years.

U-Pass Fee Per Semester
Academic YearCost

U-Pass Ridership Statistics
2023/2024 Academic Year

A total of 576,635 trips were taken by Ontario Tech students during the 2023/2024 academic year

Approximately 62% of Ontario Tech students use their U-Pass

Approximately 48% of student riders take more than 10 trips per month

U-Pass Uses Per Month

Cast your vote online on
March 12-14 at otsu.ca/vote

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a referendum?

What happens if we do not have a U-Pass?

Without a U-Pass, how much will commuting to campus cost with DRT?

How much does parking on campus cost?

Can I opt-out of the U-Pass fee?

How can I cast my vote?

Is the U-Pass available to part-time students?

How can I contact the DRT?